Food service solutions

Comfortable, efficient and sustainable refrigeration solutions for food service

Requirements for cold storage within food service are both unique and diverse. With our modularly expandable cold and freezer rooms solutions, we can always offer you the perfect fit. Viessmann offers proven, high-quality solutions with TectoCell Standard Plus and TectoCell Compact ranges. The cold rooms are spacious and optimally organised. 

Viessmann Reference - Adler Lodge Ritten, Italy
Viessmann reference - Helden catering, Germany
Viessmann reference - Altes Mädchen, Germany
Viessmann reference - Almhof Schneider hotel, Austria
Food service references

Our refrigeration solutions are the preferred choice of many customers within the food service sector. Take a look into our customer references. 

For more detailed information about our offering for food services, please click to our product pages.

Cold and freezer rooms

Need for a cold storage with the highest standard?