Modular coldrooms for various segments

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Pink Flowers
Viessmann reference - Ortere beverage store
Viessmann reference - Maygarden

Roses are red, violets are blue - Viessmann keeps all flowers cool for you!

Being a florist means providing fresh products and personalized services at the most emotional times in your customers’ lives — marriages, graduations, birthdays, promotions, anniversaries, and even funerals. How to keep both professional demeanor and flowers from wilting under such pressure? One way is to look beyond the immediate needs — To find a trustworthy partner that can help with the refrigeration needs.

Cooling is key

Commercial refrigeration solutions are needed to help vendors to preserve large quantities of cut flowers. Cooling minimises flower deterioration by reducing respiration rates, water loss, ethylene production, sensitivity to ethylene and microbial development. In fact, investing in quality cold rooms and refrigerated cabinets can potentially increase sales while simultaneously decreasing waste. That’s because storing flowers at the optimum temperature will keep petals moist and fresh-looking for up to 1 to 3 weeks depending on the species.

The right type of refrigeration unit saves a big penny on energy consumption. A modern refrigerator consumes considerably less electricity and uses natural refrigerants – it eases the green conscience as they are very eco-friendly.

As one of Europe’s leading producers of refrigeration systems, cold rooms, and refrigerated cabinets, Viessmann believes in energy efficiency, sustainability, as well as in the ease of use. In fact, we listed a few tips for selecting the best cooling storage units for a small to medium size floral business. 

Things to look for in a cooling solution:

1. Stable temperature

Flowers maintain their freshness longer in cold temperature (2-4 Celsius). In fact, depending on the species, they can last up to 3 weeks if appropriately cooled. For best results, the cooling cabinet should provide uniform cooling throughout, as well as, circulate air efficiently. 

2. Energy-saving technology

It's only natural for a business and its inventory to grow in size. Growth will demand efficiency and modularity and an energy-saving flower cabinet or cold room is an excellent example of such. A high-quality cooling cabinet will serve a business well in the long term: optimally 8-12 years to be exact. Yes, it is an investment, but one that will pay for itself in a relatively short time.

3. Large displays

When customers walk in, the desired reaction for many business owners is to “wow” the customer: The customer needs to know that they can be served and provided with the freshest flowers and the most beautiful bouquets. That’s why big displays with modern twists are the best. They not only preserve your products, but they also display the flowers beautifully.

4. Ease of cleaning

A clean and well maintained flower shop can have a huge impact on customer experience and quality perception. That said, life's not always so rosy, especially as cut flowers easily produce litter and the moist environment can accumulate dirt and bacteria. When choosing the refrigeration solution, it helps to pay extra attention to how the unit has been designed for hygiene and ease of cleaning. This will make a big difference on the shop’s image and personnel’s working time in the long run. 

References for various segments

Our refrigeration solutions are the preferred choice of many customers. Take a look into our customer references. 

For more detailed information about our offering ​for various segments, please click to our product pages. 

Cold rooms

Need for a cold storage with the highest standard?